Ogłoszenie o Bojerowych Mistrzostwach Europy 2009.Notice of Race
European DN Championship 2009
January 17th -23rd 2009.; St.Petersburg - Russia.
(Racing days – Sunday, 18.01.2009 until Friday, 23.01.2009)
Dear Friends ,
On behalf of the IDNIYRA-Europe and Russian DN Fleet we
hereby invite all ice boaters to Russia for the European DN
Championship 2009.
1. Organising authority and venue.
The European DN Championship 2009 will be organised by
Russian DN Fleet under the authority of IDNIYRA-Europe e.V.
represented by the European Commodore.
The Championship regatta will be sailed under the jurisdiction
of International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association ( IDNIYRA )
and provided by the PRC of IDNIYRA-Europe.
The primary regatta site is St.Petersburg, Russia.
2. Eligibility.
All competitors shall be members of their National DN Fleet,
which should be member of IDNIYRA-Europe e.V.. All DN iceyachts
shall meet the requirements of Official DN Class Specifications.
The international ranking list will be used for fleet assignment.
3. Entry and registration.
“Online Entry” will be primary method of registration via European
web www.icesailing.org .
Closing date for entry: 03. Dec 2008 – 24:00 (CET).
“Late-Entry” period will start depending on what happens first:
a) at closing date or
b) after 200 sailors have registered.
Proof of insurance has to be sent to the European Commodore
first – he will check and sailors will get there Insurance-ID to be
able to register. This Insurance-ID sailors will find in the public
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European DN Championship 2009.
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list when they open “Online Entry” in the internet. Payment of
entry-fee has to be done during the registration via internet with
creditcard or PayPal.
Personal check-in will be mandatory. No telephone, fax or email
check-in allowed. Only Force Majeure e.g. car accidents,
ferry/aircraft delays and significant illness may be accepted by
the European Commodore as a reason for telephone or representative
Registration will be closed automatically at deadline. The
“server-time-stamp” shown at registration is the official time. All
entries tried after will not be accepted as regular entry.
“Late Entry” can be done at online-registration or can be done
at the regatta check-in with double entry fee. These sailors
have to show their proof of insurance to the European Commodore
at the site first.
European Sailors: Entry fee of 120,-- € ( + 30,-- € for IDNIYRA-
Europe fee ) = Total 150,-- €.
US Sailors: Total 120,-- €
Junior sailors: (born latest 1988): Entry-fee 60,-- €; no fee for
IDNIYRA Europe = Total 60,-- €.
4.Schedule of events..
Final site selection: no later than Friday, January 16th 2009-
12:00 (CET) - announced on official homepage of IDNIYRAEurope
– Championship Info (www.icesailing.org).
Regatta check-in: Saturday January 17th 2009
10:00 to 14:30 and 16:00 to 20:00.
Opening ceremony:Saturday January 17th 2009 – 15:00
Scheduled First Start: Sunday January 18th 2009 – 11:00
Scheduled Last Start: Friday January 23rd 2009 – 14:00
(all times are local times)
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European DN Championship 2009.
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For other events see Sailing Instructions, Official Notice Board
and/or announcements at the daily skippers meeting.
5.Races, scoring, advertising.
Races and scoring will be managed according to IDNIYRA By-
Laws and NIA sailing rules and the Sailing Instructions. The
Sailing Instructions may be modified at the Skippers Meeting.
According to the decision at the National Secretaries Conference
in April 2008 for each fleet 20 races are scheduled.
There must not be more than 5 races per fleet per day. Every
five races one throwout.
The European Championship 2009 is finished:
a) Last sailing day will be the day one fleet has 20 races.
b) After last race/start: Friday, January 23rd 2009 – 14:00
IDNIYRA By-Laws B.12 will apply with the amendment that
each participant may be obligated to attach advertisement or
other information from organisers to the hull.
6. Anti-Doping policy.
IDNIYRA-Europe has implemented the Anti-Doping Programme
of the World Anti-Doping Agency. Thus during training and the
regatta the misuses of alcohol or drugs will not be tolerated.
Looking forward to seeing a lot of sailors on the ice
OE 221
European Commodore
Bojerowe Mistrzostwa Europy klasy DN Seniorów 2009
Moderator: Romuald